

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Dallas Holocaust Museum is horrified by the senseless attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims’ families and all affected by this terrible hate crime.

We abhor violence, hatred, and bigotry in all its forms and remember a time when antisemitism led to the murder of six million Jews, and the persecution of millions of others. Sadly, the evil motives that drove the Holocaust, the impulse to divide humanity into groups and categories of us versus them, still exist. It is time to put our differences aside and unite in civility. We call on Americans to stand together, to take responsibility for each other and become Upstanders – standing against prejudice and hatred in our daily lives, in our country, and in the world.

The Museum’s mission is to teach the history of the Holocaust, and advance human rights to combat prejudice, hatred, and indifference. To learn more, please visit DallasHolocaustMuseum.org.

An Immersive, Interactive Journey Unlike Any Other

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